From Jonathan Neale
Its the start of the 2020 season with Monklands Sporting Car Club’s first Production Car Trial on Sunday 1 March at Forrestburn. I hope to find you all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for the season ahead!
A notable change from Motorsport UK HQ this year. All entrants and passengers now need to be registered with MSUK to be able to compete. The good news is that it’s free but you will need to go to the following link to make the necessary application:
If you haven’t done the necessary before the event then don’t worry. You can fill out the necessary paperwork on the day – it just means we will have more paperwork to fill in so I would be grateful if the majority could do the needful ahead of the first event.
Another notable change is my email address. It is now so please can you update your address book as I will not receive emails sent to the old email address.
Entries by email are preferred but by post is fine too. If you have trouble filling in the Entry Form which you can download here then just drop me an email with your name, car type and class entered and you can fill in the form on the day. Payment can be done on the day as well. I do not have access to social media I’m afraid. As always, if you are available to marshal then I would be very grateful for your support. Just let me know if you are intending to attend so I can make sure lunch is available for you.
Otherwise, I hope it will be business as usual – good weather (I’m working on that), great lunch and fun on the hills.
Best regards